St. Alphonsa Unit
FEAST DAY: 28th July
St. ALPHONSA was born on 19th August, 1910 as the 4th child of Joseph Muttathupadath and Mary Puthukkari. She belonged to the Parish of Kudamaloor. She Joined the Franciscan Clarist Convent at Bharananganam. Her short life of 36 years was marked by unwavering faith and heroic resignation to the trials of life. A chronic victim of physical suffering, constrained to live under the rigorous discipline of a community life, her life was dominated by an impulsive desire to practice the severest austerities and mortifications, thus making her a perfect example of death to self and life to Christ and in Christ. Her outstanding qualities were her childlike simplicity and her total resignation to the will of God in facing the persistent trials crowded into her short life. After a life of suffering in the Lord, she died on 28th July 1946. She was Canonized on 12th October 2008 by Pope Benedict XVI. 35
- President
- Sebastian Mullakal
- +91 99874 87532
- Secretary
- Shiny Babu
- +91 9869636092
- Treasurer
- Smitha Lanose
- +91 9820665730
- Parish Council Rep.
- Litty Thomas
- +91 98673 20341
- Babu Itteera
- Sebastian
- Jose K D
- Lanose Joseph
- Vincent C.V.
- Varghese Rapheal
- Sebastian Mathai
- Mathappan Thomas
- Litty Thomas
- Roy John
- Raphael Anthony
- George Xavier
- Molly A.P
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Number of Family:
Unit Area:
Mira Road
Unit Map: