Infant Jesus Unit
FEAST DAY: 02nd February
JESUS LOVED infants (Lk. 18:16), extolled the infants (Mt. 11:25; Lk.18:17) and who taught the spirituality of being an infant (Mt. 18:1-5).Infancy is the period of powerlessness and total dependence uponthe grown up persons. Jesus, the incarnated omnipotent God becamean infant. The powerful one assumed powerlessness. The Lord of thisuniverse climbed down to assume to assume the likeness of a servant.The mighty one was born as a child from a bumble girl of Nazarerth.Infancy is the period of innocence, purity, serenity, friendliness andtrust. Infants do not keep any negative feelings, grudge or resentment.Everybody likes infants because they have the magical power to radiatepeace and tranquility.The devotion to the infant Jesus helps us to develop an emotionalattachment to Jesus. Infant Jesus is our greatest “GURU” or teacher.Infant Jesus teaches how to liberate ourselves from the bondage of ego.Humility and simplicity is to be learned from Infant Jesus. Our contactwith an ordinary infant itself is blissful. Our intimacy with Divine Infant willbe how much more graceful and joyful!
- President
- Sijo Jose
- 9820076021
- Secretary
- Milu Ranjish
- 9819946474
- Treasurer
- Denny Thomas
- 8080908899
- Parish Council Rep.
- Shobi Varghese
- 9930095061
- Anila Binish
- Christopher R. Vijayan
- Denny Thomas
- Elsy Anthony
- James Anthony
- Jimmy P.A
- Jose Anthony Chamakala
- Jose Tharayil
- K R Varghese
- K V John
- Laly Wilson
- Lijo
- Luka Kunjappam
- Martin Thomas
- Mathew Jacob
- P.R Jose
- Philips Thomas
- Pius Augustian
- Ranjish
- Robert Davis
- Stephen
- Thomas Abraham
- V K Paul
Number of Family:
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